- Caregivers
- Children with Disabilities
- Children with Special Needs
- Clay County
- Duval County
- Elder Law
- Estate Planning
- Florida
- Florida First Coast
- Grandchildren
- Grandchildren with Special Needs
- Grandparents
- Grandparents Tax Credit
- Jacksonville
- Life Care Planning
- Long-Term Care Planning
- North Florida
- Orange Park
- Providing for a Child with Special Needs
- St. Augustine
- St. Johns County
- Tax Credit
- 5 years ago
- Raising a grandchild can be tough financially, but grandparents should be aware that there is a tax credit available that could help them. Working grandparents who are supporting their grandchildren may qualify for the earned income tax credit, which could reduce the amount they pay in taxes by thou... [read more]
Category archives: Providing for a Child with Special Needs
- 6 years ago
- Major changes to the “kiddie tax” could significantly increase the tax liability of assets placed in special needs trusts if the trust’s beneficiary is a minor and the income the trust earns is high enough. Congress enacted the so-called “kiddie tax” in 1986 to deter wealthy families from “in... [read more]
- Children with Special Needs
- Clay County
- Duval County
- Elder Law
- Estate Planning
- Florida
- Florida First Coast
- Green Cove Springs
- Individual Retirement Accounts
- IRA Gifting to Children
- IRAs
- Jacksonville
- Life Care Planning
- North Florida
- Planning
- Providing for a Child with Special Needs
- Required Minimum Distributions
- Seniors
- Social Security Administration
- Special Needs Planning
- Special Needs Trust
- St. Augustine
- St. Johns County
- Taxes
- 6 years ago
- For many parents, the majority of their savings is held in some kind of a retirement account, often an Individual Retirement Account (IRA). At age 70 1/2, an IRA account holder faces the Required Beginning Date, when he or she must take mandatory distributions from the IRA. These payments are determ... [read more]
- Beneficiaries
- Benefits Applications
- Childhood Disabled Beneficiary Benefits
- Children with Disabilities
- Children with Special Needs
- Disability
- Disability Rights
- Elder Law
- Estate Planning
- Florida
- Green Cove Springs
- Jacksonville
- North Florida
- Orange Park
- Protection for Disability
- Providing for a Child with Special Needs
- Public Assistance
- Public Benefits Assistance Needs
- Social Security Administration
- Social Security Disability Insurance
- Special Needs Planning
- St. Augustine
- St. Johns County
- 7 years ago
- Understanding what benefits might be available to your child or loved one with special needs can be confusing. Different benefits apply in different circumstances, and sometimes different benefit programs can work together to help meet the needs of an individual. Childhood disabled beneficiary bene... [read more]
- Beneficiaries
- Clay County
- Disability
- Elder Law
- Estate Planning
- Green Cove Springs
- Jacksonville
- Medicaid
- Medicaid Eligiblity
- North Florida
- Orange Park
- Providing for a Child with Special Needs
- Public Assistance
- Public Benefits Assistance Needs
- Social Security Administration
- Social Security Disability Insurance
- Social Security Income
- Special Needs Planning
- Special Needs Trust
- St. Augustine
- St. Johns County
- Supplemental Needs Trust
- Trusts
- 7 years ago
- Trustees of special needs trusts are increasingly relying on “administrator-managed prepaid debit cards,” such as True Link cards, when disbursing funds to beneficiaries. These cards offer trust beneficiaries greater independence and the ability to get what they need more quickly. But such cards e... [read more]
- Children with Disabilities
- Children with Special Needs
- Duval County
- Elder Law
- Estate Planning
- Florida
- Government Benefits
- North Florida
- Orange Park
- Providing for a Child with Special Needs
- Public Assistance
- Special Needs Planning
- Special Needs Trust
- St. Augustine
- St. Johns County
- Supplemental Needs Trust
- Trusts
- 7 years ago
- Special Needs Trusts are an important part of Estate Planning for clients whose family members have disabilities or chronic illness. A Special Needs Trust (also referred to as a Supplemental Needs Trust) helps beneficiaries receive their inheritance while also following important guidelines regardin... [read more]
- Disability
- Duval County
- Elder Law
- Estate Planning
- Florida
- Green Cove Springs
- Incapacity
- Jacksonville
- North Florida
- Orange Park
- People with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
- People with Special Needs
- Protection for Disability
- Providing for a Child with Special Needs
- Social Security Disability Insurance
- Social Security Income
- St. Augustine
- St. Johns County
- 7 years ago
- As rental housing prices continue to escalate nationwide, particularly in urban centers, low-income people with disabilities are finding it increasingly difficult to find affordable housing. The Technical Assistance Collaborative and the Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities recently rele... [read more]
- 401(k) Plans
- Avoiding Probate
- Beneficiaries
- Benifciary Designations
- Duval County
- Elder Law
- Estate Planning
- Florida
- Green Cove Springs
- IRAs
- Jacksonville
- North Florida
- Orange Park
- Planning
- Providing for a Child with Special Needs
- Retirement Plans
- Seniors
- SEPs
- Special Needs Planning
- Special Needs Trust
- St. Augustine
- St. Johns County
- Taxes
- Trusts
- 7 years ago
- While the execution of wills requires formalities like witnesses and a notary, the reality is that most property passes to heirs through other, less formal means. Many bank and investments accounts, as well as real estate, have joint owners who take ownership automatically at the death of the... [read more]
- 7 years ago
- Although Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients are subject to rigid asset limits, the federal government has provided a few avenues for beneficiaries to earn income that supplements their SSI benefit. The Social Security Act imposes a $2,000 asset limit on SSI beneficiaries, a figure that... [read more]
- Asset Preservation
- Care Planning
- Caregivers
- Children with Special Needs
- Clay County
- Durable Power of Attorney
- Duval County
- Estate Planning
- Estate Tax
- Florida
- Florida Wills
- Green Cove Springs
- Jacksonville
- Life Care Planning
- Living Will
- Long-Term Care
- Medicaid
- Medicare
- Miller Trust
- Minor Children
- North Florida
- Orange Park
- Planning
- Providing for a Child with Special Needs
- Senior Resources
- Seniors
- Skilled Nursing and Home Care
- Social Security Administration
- Special Needs Planning
- St. Augustine
- St. Johns County
- Trusts
- Will
- 7 years ago
- Valentine’s Day is the perfect time to express gratitude for your family and friends. Our office wishes you and your loved ones all the best today, and throughout this beautiful early spring in North Florida! We are grateful to be a part of your community and to have to the opportunity to help fa... [read more]
- Children with Special Needs
- Clay County
- Department of Housing and Urban Development
- Disability
- Elder Law
- Estate Planning
- Housing
- Jacksonville
- Orange Park
- people with disabilities
- People with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
- People with Special Needs
- Protection for Disability
- Providing for a Child with Special Needs
- Section 8 Housing
- Social Security
- St. Augustine
- St. Johns County
- Supplemental Security Income
- 7 years ago
- People with disabilities are disproportionately low-income. Like many other marginalized communities, people with disabilities are being priced out of many neighborhoods, especially in large metropolitan centers, as rental prices continue to skyrocket and affordable housing stocks dwindle. Accord... [read more]
- Children with Special Needs
- Clay County
- Duval County
- Elder Law
- Estate Planning
- Jacksonville
- Orange Park
- People with Special Needs
- Pooled Trust
- Providing for a Child with Special Needs
- Social Security Disability Insurance
- Special Needs Planning
- Special Needs Trust
- St. Augustine
- St. Johns County
- Trust Protector
- Trustee
- Trusts
- 7 years ago
- Choosing the right person to serve as trustee of a special needs trust is one of the most important and difficult issues in creating the trust. A trustee typically manages the day-to-day operations of the trust, often making distributions to the trust's beneficiary, investing the trust's assets, and... [read more]