Category archives: Skilled Nursing Home Care
3 years ago
One of the greatest fears of older Americans is that they may end up in a nursing home. This not only means a great loss of personal autonomy, but also a tremendous financial price. Careful planning can help ease the financial burden.
Depending on location and level of care, nursing homes cos... [read more]
4 years ago
For many Medicaid applicants, individual retirement accounts (IRAs) are one of their biggest assets. If you do not plan properly, IRAs can count as an available asset and affect Medicaid eligibility.
Medicaid applicants can have only a small amount of assets in order to be eligible to receive... [read more]
4 years ago
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has issued new guidance on whether families can visit loved ones in nursing homes. The guidance allows indoor visitation even when the resident has not been vaccinated.
The coronavirus pandemic has hit long-term care facilities particularly... [read more]
4 years ago
Spring is definitely here, and in addition to enjoying the warmer weather, sunshine, and longer days, many of us are also Spring cleaning. Deep cleaning our homes, checking our refrigerators and pantries for anything out of date, clearing out clothing that doesn't fit anymore, weeding and removing y... [read more]
4 years ago
We are living in a time of change and ongoing uncertainty. During the last month we experienced a change in U.S. government leadership from the Trump to the Biden Administration, and with this change comes the potential for new policies that may potentially affect many aspects of our lives, includin... [read more]
4 years ago
COVID vaccines are starting to roll out to nursing homes across the country, signaling the beginning of the end of the pandemic. Once your loved one has had both doses of the vaccine, you may be able to visit, but precautions are still necessary.
The federal government entered into a partners... [read more]
4 years ago
The COVID-19 pandemic has been particularly devastating for nursing homes and their residents. Aside from the tragically disproportionate loss of life, care for surviving residents has been delayed or interrupted due to infection, facility lockdowns or other health system disruptions. In such cases,... [read more]
4 years ago
The coronavirus pandemic has forced nursing homes to place a number of restrictions on their residents. These constraints are having the unintended consequence of making it more difficult for nursing home residents to vote. Hundreds of thousands of nursing home and assisted living community resident... [read more]
4 years ago
Choosing a nursing home for a loved one is a difficult decision and it can only be made more confusing by the various rating systems. A recent study found that using both Medicare’s Nursing Home Compare site and user reviews can help with the decision making.
The official Medicare website inc... [read more]
4 years ago
Raising the minimum wage by as little as 10 percent would significantly improve the safety and health of nursing home residents, according to new research.
Most direct care in nursing homes is provided by nursing assistants, who make up about 40 percent of the nursing home workforce and are a... [read more]
5 years ago
The basic Medicaid rule for nursing home residents is that they must pay all of their income, minus certain deductions, to the nursing home. The deductions include a $60-a-month personal needs allowance (this amount may be somewhat higher or lower in your state), a deduction for any uncovered medica... [read more]
5 years ago
Medicaid law provides special protections for the spouses of Medicaid applicants to make sure the spouses have the minimum support needed to continue to live in the community while their husband or wife is receiving long-term care benefits, usually in a nursing home.
The so-called "spousal pr... [read more]